
( App & Website )

"Movie tickets and Movie time"

Project background

MovieCenter is a movie theatre based in Sedona, Arizona. It likes to help people to get their ticket as fast as possible. MovieCenter wants to change the ticketing system. They asked us to design a tool to change the way people go to the movies with its online movie ticketing app and website system.For example, this tool will suggest people to watch movies online and get their tickets on their app or email.


Users are all individuals with a passionate interest in movies and all kind of people who love the movies they love.

Research findings

We created some personas based on our user research. One of our persona is Silvia, a busy married woman who doesn’t have enough free time. But she loves movies and doesn’t want to waste her time on ticketing. She is looking for an online affordable tool.

The problem

Currently, the MovieCenter website is not user friendly and it’s NOT responsive.

Ideate & Design

After the empathic stage we quickly sketched out some ideas from our design using the Crazy 8’s approach.


We designed the first level of the design. Then we simplified and turned it into a wireframe. There are images, buttons, icons and different categories to represent our different sections of the app and website.

Low-Fidelity Prototype

We turned the previous step wireframe into a digital one. Then connected each screen and section together and created a low-fidelity prototype. That meant users were able to interact with each part of the design and test the way it worked.

Research Plan & Usability Study

We conducted a remote, unmoderated usability study between MAY 20-29. We tasked 22 participants. Each session lasted for 10-20 minutes, including the test and interview questions. Our goal was to figure out what difficulties users encountered when trying to purchase a ticket on the MovieCenter website. Participants were anyone who loves watching movies. Also, we included a balanced number of male and female whom were aged 18 to 52 years old. We presented participants with some tasks that had them intact with the core task in the app. We took notes on their progress, you can see the results below:

Observations Participant A Participant B Participant C Participant D Participant E
Wants to use this app next time
Desn't want to use this app anymore
Easily could do a search and find new movies
Had a hard time to use a filters and find movies
Feels frustrated working with filters
Speaks in a positive tone
Speak in a frustrated tone
Speaks in an annoyed tone
Speaks in a confident tone
Didn't understand how to add new paymen method
Confused about booked tickets
wanted tocancel his purchases
Usability study insights
Based on the data from the study, we identified three areas that needed to be addressed:

  Some users were confused about how to find new movies and use filters, therefore they need more information about search options.
  Not everyone could find payment method option, so they need more information about each part of the user account section.
  Users didn’t find their booked ticket quickly, therefore they need more clues about menu items.
We added colors, icons and images to our design and turned it into a hi-fi version. Also, we improved the user experience based on what we learned during the usability testing session.
High-Fidelity Prototype
We moved the designing to prototyping to create our hi-fi prototype. We connected all of our screens together into a working version that was representative of our final product. This is what we presented to the development team for production. Click the link to access the high-fidelity Prototype.
Accessibility considerations
To ensure that our app was accessible, we included users of assistive technologies such as keyboards and screen readers throughout all stages of the design cycle, including interviews and usability testing.